Wednesday, January 27, 2010


it's so unfukingbelievably cold outside! and that wind! brrr.

have nothing to do. maybe I should sort some pictures from Italy. it's been 3 and 1 years already (two trips) - funny, my friends really want to see these pictures, haha. yeah, I'm THAT lazy. *grin*



well. today was a day without a hot water. sad sad day, I must say. it's really inconvenient to use a kettle to wash.
but good for me - Liz had a present in her letter waiting for me in the mailbox. san-x (Palette's Sweet Street) stickers with Eiffel towers, cupcakes and Paris boutiques are just perfect! ♥
now I'm trying NOT to put all those stickers on everything I see. like on my laptop - the bf will kill me, hah. (but my NERV metal sticker (from NGE) - which is covering a hole (!!) in my laptop - is an object of his envy.)))

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

first нах

well. have no mood to work on a design here - this html gives me a headache.